(509) 547-1735


bid opportunities

Call for bids - One Used Water Truck

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the South Columbia Basin Irrigation District that sealed bids will be received until: 

2:00 p.m., Monday, February 3, 2025 

at which time they will be opened and publicly read for the purchase of: 

One (1) Used Water Truck.

 Specifications and additional information may be received at the District office of the South Columbia Basin Irrigation District located at 1135 East Hillsboro Street, Suite A, Pasco, Washington 99301-1006 or downloaded below.  The contact person is Dan Johnson, Purchasing and Facilities Agent.

 Bidders shall submit bids in a sealed envelope addressed to South Columbia Basin Irrigation District P.O. Box 1006 Pasco, WA  99301-1006 and marked “Bid for One (1) Used Water Truck”. 

The public bid opening will be held at 2:00 p.m., on Monday, February 3, 2025. 

The District reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any errors or irregularities in said bids.