(509) 547-1735



Notice of Regular Board Meeting

South Columbia Basin Irrigation District’s Board of Directors convenes on the second Thursday of each month beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the District office conference room, or at such other times and places as shall be designated by the Board.  All Board meetings are open to the public with the exception of any meeting or portion of a meeting that is conducted in executive session.  Special meetings of the Board shall be called and conducted in the manner required by the laws of the State of Washington and may be ordered whenever deemed necessary.

Members of the public who wish to attend a regular board meeting virtually can do so via this Zoom link or by calling (253)215-8782 meeting ID 920 4294 2135, passcode 221018. If you elect to participate in this conference call, please let us know who you are after joining the meeting and keep your speaker on mute unless you are speaking to the group.

The next regular Board of Directors meeting is Thursday, March 13, 2025.