(509) 547-1735


Foreclosure Sale Notice

South Columbia Basin Irrigation District (SCBID) will not conduct the scheduled February 28, 2025, irrigation district foreclosure sale as previously noticed. In the future, if sale of real property at issue in this matter is again authorized or directed by a court having jurisdiction, SCBID will re-notice and conduct the sale at that time. If you have any questions, I can be reached at (509)547-1735.

 Thank you for your understanding.

 Kellie Pierson-Geddes, SCBID Treasurer



The South Columbia Basin Irrigation District will begin filling the Potholes Canal on March 3, 2025. Deliveries from the Potholes Canal will begin on March 19, 2025, to the Mattawa area, the Potholes Canal service area of Franklin County, and Blocks 2 and 3.   Deliveries to Block 18 and other lands served from the East Low Canal system will begin as water becomes available from East Columbia Basin Irrigation District.   

Irrigation deliveries will be dependent on demand in the individual lateral systems.  In locations where pumping plants are required for irrigation deliveries, startup dates will depend on adequate orders to start the pumping plants.

Landowners will need to contact their Watermaster office for specific delivery dates and water availability. 

Watermaster office contact information can be found HERE.

LINK: ECBID News Release Re: Water Delivery Dates


Empowering Students

SCBID’s Jose Gonzalez Inspires Careers paths in irrigation

Jose Gonzalez from the South Columbia Basin Irrigation District (SCBID) recently visited Wahluke High School to share his career experience and the important work happening at SCBID. During his visit, he educated students on various career opportunities within the District and explained the vital role of irrigation in sustaining local agriculture.

Jose’s presentation sparked the interest of several students, who expressed enthusiasm about potentially pursuing careers with SCBID in the future. We would like to extend a special thank you to Mr. Jonathan Betz, Wahluke High School Ag teacher, for inviting us into his classroom. Mr. Betz noted that Jose has the heart of a teacher and easily connected with the students. We are grateful for Jose’s passion and his dedication to inspiring and engaging with the next generation of professionals in our community.

Columbia Basin Development League will hold their Conference and 60th Annual Meeting on Tuesday, October 29th at ATEC, Big Bend Community College in Moses Lake.

They are thrilled to feature speakers from across our Columbia Basin Project advocacy partners and related organizations; the Columbia Basin irrigation districts, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Columbia Basin Conservation District, Upper Columbia Tribes, USDA NRCS, Northwest River Partners, Ecology, and our keynote speaker, U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse (WA-4th).

Key topics to be addressed during the Conference include:

  • Honoring a 60-year legacy

  • Updates from the Columbia Basin Irrigation Districts and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

  • Update on the Odessa Ground Water Replacement Program

  • Federal policy implications for the Columbia Basin Project

  • Direction for the future

 Please join us in celebrating 60 years with the partners, members, and stakeholders the League supports through our work!


AgendaCheck it out!


Don Jensen Retires After 23 Years!

The South Columbia Basin Irrigation District would like to thank Don Jensen for 23 years of service with the District.  Don started with SCBID in 2001 working in drainage as a heavy equipment operator, moving to the Eltopia watermaster office in 2011.  Don is looking forward to enjoying his RV and boat while hunting and fishing.  Congratulations Don!


SCBID Announces 2024 Water Shutoff Dates

As the end of the 2024 irrigation season approaches, the South Columbia Basin Irrigation District will soon scale back ditchrider service from 6 days to 5 days per week.  This is done annually as irrigation water demand declines.  Full Saturday service will be provided through September 21st.  After that date, ditchrider service will be available Monday through Friday. 

 The final day to order water delivery changes will be Monday, October 21st.  On Wednesday, October 23rd, ditchriders will close all farm unit and water service contract turnouts as they begin to drain the canal system. 

 Questions pertaining to the water shutoff dates and Saturday ditch rides may be answered by calling John O’Callaghan at the South Columbia Basin Irrigation District, (509) 547-1735.  For emergencies that arise outside of our normal business hours, you may also call this number and wait for the appropriate prompts to reach your watermaster office. 


On the evening of Monday, August 5, 2024, the East Low Canal breached east of Moses Lake. The East Low Canal serves Block 18 in South Columbia Basin Irrigation District. Block 18 is out of water as of Tuesday morning, August 6. At this time there are no estimates for a return to service date. As SCBID learns more, updated information will be posted here. Block 18 water users are encourage to contact their ditchrider or watermaster for local operational information.